Eastham News

Is it too early to think Spring? According to the Groundhog we still have a while until Spring. New Year flew by. So did January. Now comes the month of February. It’s still cold out but the hearts are still warm. The Valentine hearts! You can always take a bite out of a chocolate heart. Speaking of chocolates, did you hear that the Chocolate Café has bought the old Nauset Market located at the corner of Railroad Ave and Route 6, just down from our office here in Eastham, MA? The windows are now all papered up and they are moving in and doing work on it to get it ready for the coming summer season. The word is besides the wonderful chocolate and confectionary delights there will be breakfast sandwiches and other tasty treats! Now who doesn’t love good food within walking distance of your office. We’re excited to see what they offer and will update you as the opening nears. I’d plan on stopping by on the way to our office this summer, you may just be surprised about what they have in store for you.