The Three Sisters are a series of lighthouses located in Eastham, Massachusetts on Cape Cod. The lighthouses, which were built in 1838, were named for the three daughters of the local lighthouse keeper, who lived in the keeper’s house that still stands near the lights.
The Three Sisters served as a crucial aid to navigation for mariners on their way to and from Boston and other nearby ports, and they played an important role in the growth and development of the shipping industry in the area. Over the years, the lighthouses have undergone many changes and renovations, but they remain a beloved and iconic part of the Eastham community.
In recent years, the Three Sisters have become a popular tourist attraction, drawing thousands of visitors each year to admire their beauty and learn about their rich history. The lighthouses are open to the public, and visitors can climb to the top for panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. They are also part of the Cape Cod National Seashore, which was established by Congress in 1961 to protect and preserve the natural beauty of the Cape Cod region.